Loss of Free Movement Rights

Before Brexit, EU nationals could move freely to the UK to work, without any need to apply to the Home Office for a visa. (British nationals could do the same, to other EU member states). If their earnings were low, provided their work was deemed “genuine and effective” rather than “marginal or ancillary”[1], EU workers[2]…

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Legal Services Agency will continue to provide Emergency Court Helpdesk

Legal Services Agency is pleased to receive funding from the Scottish Government Homelessness Sector Prevention Fund, enabling us to continue to provide emergency legal representation to those facing eviction and repossession. We will be continuing to provide our helpdesk in Glasgow Sheriff Court and we are pleased to announce that similar in-person emergency helpdesk provision…

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Volunteering at Legal Services Agency: Holly McGraw

Gaining practical experience as a volunteer is something I would recommend anyone to get involved in. It is especially beneficial for students who may be undertaking employment law as a module during their studies. I gained an interest in employment law when I began studying it at university and it is helpful to be gaining…

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Volunteering at Legal Services Agency: Eilidh Denny

I first got involved with LSA at the beginning of June 2022 through a micro-placement with was advertised through my university, Edinburgh Napier University. I had a great experience working alongside Stuart Swan within the Employment Law Project and I was lucky enough to be offered the opportunity to come back as a volunteer if…

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Volunteers’ Week 2023: Celebrate and Inspire

Legal Services Agency marks Volunteers’ Week 2023. 2023 marks the 39th year of Volunteers’ Week (1-7 June), when LSA will join thousands of charities and voluntary organisations recognising the contribution volunteers make across the UK. With this year’s theme of ‘Celebrate and Inspire’ we hope to encourage people to be the change that we want…

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#RefugeeBanBill – Over 100 Scottish organisations urge the House of Lords to reject this harmful legislation

Press Release from JustRight Scotland and Scottish Refugee Council. Legal Services Agency is proud to support this important campaign. The inhumane and unworkable #RefugeeBanBill has today (10 May 2023) moved to Second Reading in the House of Lords, giving us another crucial opportunity to raise our voices in opposition to this harmful legislation, which seeks…

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Employment Law Project – Reflections One Year On

We recently published LSA’s Employment Law Project Year in Numbers – Employment Law Project Year in Numbers – Legal Services Agency (lsa.org.uk). There are many stories behind the numbers and we have asked our employment law solicitor, Stuart Swan, to share his career story so far and reflections on the Employment Law Project. My first…

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Employment Law Project Year in Numbers

We are proud to note that we have had a highly successful year with regards to our employment law project. This project was launched in April 2022 to promote employment rights and assist people facing problems at work. Please click here if you are looking for more information about the types of issues we can…

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