How to access our services
Our office is open Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm. You can speak to a member of staff by calling our main switchboard number 0141 353 3354 or Freephone 0800 316 8450. Callers wishing to access services at our Greenock office should call 01475 725665.
We can also be contacted by email at or through the live webchat facility on this website. We can arrange for face-to-face appointments, telephone appointments, video appointments or home visits where necessary.

Make an appointment
If you need help with an issue in an area we assist with click the link to make an appointment with one of our solicitors.
Drop in surgeries
We offer drop in surgeries for housing and benefits issues at our Savoy House office for people in the Glasgow area, and drop ins in our Greenock office for people in Inverclyde.
What to bring to your appointment
Depending on what type of case you have there will be documents that will assist us to advise you, and some that we may need to take you on as a client.